Applicants who have not attended school in the U.S. 至少在过去三年,应填写国际学生申请表. This applies to both day and boarding student applicants. Please contact the
Admission Office 关于国内或国际申请人身份的问题.
国际学生达到流利的英语,并获得强大的整体学术基础. 在9年级或10年级需要英语支持的学生可以从赌场捕鱼网投严格的ESL课程中受益.
Important information about the application process:
- SAO Application: Please note if using the SAO application, 赌场捕鱼网投大学要求在SAO中包含补充表格,我们强烈鼓励申请人使用SAO申请在拉文纳创建完整的学生档案( in order to review their application progress, register for additional required steps and view admission decisions.
- Middle and Upper School Applicants: International students are welcome to apply in grade 9, 10, or 11, where our boarding program, staff, and curriculum support them. The Middle School (grades 6-8) is designed for local students only. 申请中学的国际学生必须在美国上过学.S. 至少3年,英语口语和写作流利,与家人住在赌场捕鱼网投附近.
- International Student Interviews (required): This step happens after the application forms are completed. For applicants from China, please see the note below.
Note: Applicants from China:Due to the high volume of applicants from China, Athenian is not able to interview all applicants, regardless of citizenship or current country of residence. Applicants who live in China and are applying to grades 9, 10, or 11, 请联系Vericant在中国完成初步面试(1月前). 在联系Vericant之前,开始向拉文纳的赌场捕鱼网投申请. 在审核完所有申请后,赌场捕鱼网投大学还将联系一小部分最终候选人进行正式面试.